For Whom the Bell Tolls/To the Roots of the City of Brambles

Journal, Ninth Entry

An Ominous Knell and Mysterious Infestation
Good Heavens! My poor journal! Oh, I'm terribly sorry old friend... Oh dear, look at the state of you: covered in dust, bent and tattered, and sorely uncared for and underappreciated. Oh, I'm so sorry, but with all the trials we've been through lately I've hardly had time to sleep, let alone chronicle our escapades! Oh, forgive me dear Journal, I have failed you. Sigh. I get too involved, I tell you. Of course they would never admit as much, those ruffians, always slaying beasts and brigands and turning into Plant Monsters (I'll explain later...), that they never notice poor Pungo! Who'll sing songs about his bravery, helping to evacuate the townsfolk while the heroes enter the fray? Who'll write poems about him when he guards the throne room all alone when suddenly a great Shadow Dragon shows up! (I'll get to that too) Who chronicles the Chronicler I ask you?! Aye, but enough of that. The Bard's college will surely be cross with me as is. Oh, if only I would've payed proper attention during Advanced Non-Interference. But alas, I was a younger Pungo, more prone to distraction by way of the fair she-gnomes of the city... But enough I say! I'm sorely behind on my chronicling duties as is without this useless self pitying and prattling. I've a great many tales to tell! I do hope I can remember the details...

The attack on Fort Waldsatd was something of an eye opener for us: we finally realized the ambition of our foes, and the deadly realities lurking about the fringes of our borders. Thus did our group split into two so that each half could take care of a different situation. Piknik, Kala, and Kolobok met with a mysterious being named Reynard: similar to Kala was he in that he walked like a man but was in truth half beast, a fox in fact, as opposed to Kala's wolfish aesthetics, and who used curious magicks to turn any door into an entrance to his illusive home. Meanwhile Kamien, Occultis, Thumbelina and I journeyed to the Undercity, as the magical brambles on the city had become pale and brittle, and we desired to find the root (heh) of the cause.

Those that met with Reynard found themselves caught up in a most bizarre evening: For Reynard wished to meet with Kala as he believed our friend to be a well needed link between worlds. You see, Reynard and Kala were partly of the same people. Reynard knew not their origins, only that they all shared similar attributes, such as being part animal and part man while being able to hide in an animal form (a trait Kala curiously lacks). Like Kala, those of their kind had faced ridicule and persecution for their appearance, and thus they lived in secret, an underground society lead by the mysterious King Noble He was almost finished with their discussion when suddenly his halls went dark and a distant bell rang an ominous knell. It was then that Reynard revealed he had taken a prisoner of late, one whose power he feared above all others. A conglomerate beast it was, a group of wolfshades merged into one, much like the creature we encountered at Brummig's childhood home. Reynard had feared the thing carried too much of it's master's fell power and will, and as it's physical body began to fade from the weeks of separation from its creator, the thing had desperately struck out as only it knew how... Truly more a shade than ever, the beast possessed many items throughout Reynard's keep, including the bell in Reynard's chapel, the ring of which would've spelled death for our friends had they not defeated the thing before midnight. The final battle took place in a painting, a mural depicting Reynard's battle with a rival from his youth. The wolfshade thought it a link to the past, and desired to kill Reynard in his youth, before he could ever bind the creature ina cell. However, our friends journeyed forth into that strange painted realm, and put the being to rest. Reynard was elated to have his home returned to normal, but also for securing our friendship, and possibly a brighter future for his people. However, before they left, our friends discovered that Reynard's old rival from the painting was once a wolf like Kala, but after having a falling out with King Noble and Reynard's people, had disappeared for a time. It was only recently that Reynard had discovered his whereabouts: being controlled by unimaginable powers, the poor fellow was trapped in wolf form, and forced to be the mount of Rumplestiltskin.

The rest of us made the foul journey into the Undercity: a dark place full of twisting tunnels and the eerie glow of the enchanted roots of the great brambles. It was there that we did indeed find the cause of city's wilting defenses: a horrid pack of giant ants had taken to gnawing upon the defenseless roots, and we strove hard and fast to cease their wicked endeavor. Our aim was true and our strike powerful, but the ant horde was great in number. Much went through my mind in that strange battle: what could've prompted such a strange attack? Was this a natural occurrence, or was something else behind this? Surely our enemies would orchestrate a direct attack such as this now? But we had little time to concern ourselves with such things, for the lieutenant of this subterranean horde had finally shown himself: a vile Otyugh stumbled out from the from the caverns of the undercity, shacking the ground with his vile weight. Through our combined efforts we felled the writhing thing, but in its death throes it confirmed my suspicions. The horde had been sent, the attack ordered, likely by the Unseelie Court, if not by Carrabosse herself. Our foes ambition surprised us, to send a direct attack on Dornstadt's defenses while Eberesch still lived. We reconvened at the local tavern and traded our tales of adventure, but our merriment was soon cut short. For the downcast figure of Wilheim slowly entered the door.
"My friends I... I'm so sorry... I hate to tell you know, in the midst of your joys and victories but... Oh hang it all.... Eberesch is dead!"

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