The Chase/Port Varjo

Journal, Tenth Entry

A Rider in Chase, A Watcher in the Forest
We had to make haste. With Eberesch dead, Dornstadt stood defenseless against Carabosse and her fell magicks. Despite all our efforts to defend her, it seemed Time had proven to be our greatest adversary. Eberesch was ancient, even by fey standards. I am told it happened peacefully in her sleep. Belebog's light preserve you, dear grandmother...

The King and Queen's rangers had given reports of Rumplestilskin's spies in the land. Sometimes it is profitable to allow for such things in times of war. Best to know the enemies informants. Keep an eye on them and you can influence the knowledge they barter with... Half our party went to investigate these spies to make sure the knowledge of Eberesch's death never reached Rumplestilskin's damnable ears. Thus did Kamien, Occultis and Piknik give chase to our adversaries, for upon finding the enemy camp, the place seemed empty. However, this turned out to be naught but a devious illusion, for the spies were in truth surrounding our friends, hidden behind a magic paling, and upon discovering our friends motives, they took off. Our friends gave chase on neglected mounts, and so began the cross country entanglement with the spies. Our friends were led through treacherous forests and wayward paths, but Finally our friends proved victorious. The spies lives were spared though. Our friends brought them back as prisoners, for Wilheim believed he could make use of them...

Wilheim, in his cleverness, had concocted a masterful disguising potion, but it required a small essence of the being one wished to disguise themselves as. With the spies returned as prisoners, wilheim was able to transform Thumbelina, Kolobok and Kala into their exact copies, and they were sent to Rumplestiltskin's camp, that sad port town were Varjo perished, to feed the fell lieutenant false information. The plan worked perfectly up to a point: through our friends actions, Rumplestiltskin believed Eberesch to be in perfect health, but before our friends could slip away, they were given a dark task. For Rumplestiltskin's forces had been besieged by a strange enemy, one that he wished our friends to vanquish: dear old Betto the forest spirit. Our friends traveled into the forests of Avalon with a small group of dwarves and green men, until finally they came upon the puddle Betto apparently defends. They believed Bettos existence to be contigent upon that of the puddle, and were debating what to do with it when suddenly they were besieged by strange enemies. With legs like great tree trunks and faces like some strange ape, other forest spirits had come to our friends aid. They were taken to Betto, whose rank amongst his brethren seemed surprisingly high, during a war meeting, and made their case before all present for the aid of the forest spirits in liberating the port town. Thanks in no small part to Betto's friendship, aid was given, and the forest spirits marched for war. The encountered proved to be a bloody drama: for one of the tree beasts had disguised himself as Eberesch, waiting till the last minute, standing before Rumplestiltskin himself, to grow to his true height and stamp the commander into oblivion. However, the bastard dodged and turned the noble beast into gold, loosing his mount, now in humanoid form like Kala, upon our friends. The fighting was brutal, but ultimately the day was one due to the intervention of a familiar ghost: a diminuitive hooded wraith whose soul returned to the Altar of Oaths at battle's end. Rumplestilskin lived tho, having fled by way of a magic mirror. His mount had returned to his senses, no longer under any controlling spell, and wished dearly to speak with Kala in private. The day was counted a blessed victory, and Thumbelina rechristened the liberated town Port Varjo, in honor of our fallen friend, whose aid proved indispensable, even from beyond the grave.

Of course, I was nowhere to be found during these events. I was busy fending off a Platypus Demon that had gotten lost on its way to the extradimensional plane of Palus Aeternae, The Bog of Eternal Night, and had accidently manifested in the kitchen pantry Oh, you didn't notice that? Yeah, no one else did either...

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