The Unseelie Court

Piknik and Betto
Journal, Eighth Entry

With heavy hearts did we regroup in Dornstadt, drinking to the honorable name of the dearly departed Varjo. It was then we were introduced to Kamien, a half-ogre and a dear friend of Varjo's from his days in the thieves guild. Having heard news of Varjo's passing, he wished to offer us his aid in our campaign.

His offer came at a most opportune moment, for just then we were summoned back to the castle. The King and Queen requested we take Jack Nimble to Waldstadt: a small village on the fringes of the kingdom, being partially submerged in the forests of Avalon. For there Eberesch dwelt, the aging Fairy who saved Queen Aurora in her youth, and whose magic kept fell Carabosse at bay. There, Jack would be safe from further attempts by Rumplestiltskin, and he could attend to Eberesch along with her druid acolytes.

However, we were told of dangers on the road: minions of the Unseelie Court, now in league with our enemies, had crept their way back into these lands, and would be using the forest against us. It was then a small surprise to find ourselves embattled with a small troupe of Green Men, and in the process we felled a strange tree that gave off an ominous aura, which had struck Thumbelina and Grumpuddle dazed and stupefied.

However, upon speaking with Eberesch, we were informed that it was this tree that had protected the town from fey creatures, hence its effect on our companions. She told us her druids could use their magic to grow a new tree very quickly, but it would not be ready before nightfall, when the forces of the Unseelie Court would be sure to strike. Thus, we began to make preparations for the coming battle: Thumbelina set several spells to work to protect the gate and walls of the town, Occultis set many traps deep in the forest, and Kolobok sent Grumpuddle to request aid of nearby forest spirits like himself, but alas the only spirit to answer was Betto: guardian of... I want to say a puddle or something. In fact, it was during a conversation with Betto that Kala ran into Berengar, a porcine creature that at first believed him to be the killer of his brothers, and who hinted at other such creatures as themselves, humanoid animals who can hide in the form of their mundane counterparts, although he knew not why Kala was unable to do this.

When the sun set behind the thick line of trees, our foes finally struck. The front lines of their horde consisted of more Green Men and Lunantishee: small gobloid creatures that climbed the walls of the village like great white spiders. It was then that Piknik rejoined us, having left us for his own mysterious errand after Varjo's death. Vile Red Caps were next to come, joined by a shape shifting Phooka and a Satyr. We struggled to push our enemies back, for we also had the druids to concern ourselves with: for the tree had to be grown outside the gates of the town, and in order for the tree to be prepared for the following night, they had to enact their spells and rituals during our fight!

Berengar joined the fray under the cover of night, wanting to maintain the secrecy of his existence. However, he was joined by a surprise visitor: Mars the bear, another member of Berengars secret society, who had not yet learned to walk in a humanoid form. However, unknown to Berengar, Mars was also once a der friend to Occultis in their youth, and the two were most excited to fight together again. Their company would be gladly accepted, for out of the trees burst the most fearsome creatures of our enemy horde: a putrid Hag riding atop a mighty serpent, the miserable creature being controlled by the hag through fungi that had dulled its vision and rotted its brain. The two proved a vicious duo, and nearly defeated us. However Grumpuddle, released momentarily from his physical form and appearing as a monstrous spirit, healed the serpent, cleansing its body and mind of the hag's control. Enraged by his predicament, the serpent turned on the old witch, and the day was won.

We said our goodbyes to Eberesch, Jack, and the druids, and made our way back to Dornstadt to begin preparations for the coming battles with Rumplestiltskin...

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