At Last, the Land of Dornstadt

A Fell Commander...
Journal, Seventh Entry

Today, we finally arrived at Dornstadt, the Kingdom of Briars ruled by King Phillip and Queen Aurora, in order to request aid for our rebellion. It was then that we met our latest companions, Kolobok and Grumpuddle: a gingerbread golem and his amphibian steed who came bearing news from Johan, warning us of the enemies approach, and the dreaded Altar of Oaths which our foes had claimed for the Pale Queen, the Altar being a relic of the dark god Czernobog used in ancient duels. Upon meeting the King and Queen, they seemed cautious to join our cause, even when we warned them of the impending danger. Suddenly, a messenger burst in declaring the presence of Dwarven soldiers at a port town on the fringe of the kingdoms territory, and thus the King and Queen sent us to save Jack Nimble, though they said not why.

When we arrived at the port town, we found it in dire straits, for the soldiers had overrun the place, and every man, both guard and civilian, fought desperately to protect their little village. We fended off a group of soldiers who had beset themselves upon Jack, but afterwards we were forced to flee, for the dreaded commander of the battalion had arrived: clad in a long brimmed hat, a dark cloak, and riding upon a great grey worg, Rumplestiltskin had returned...

When we returned Jack to the palace, we were shocked to see him put in chains after arguing with the King and Queen. For there are those with arcane knowledge who can use the ancient art of candlestick jumping to foresee future events, and Jack, the last of the Candle Stick Seers, refused to jump! When we had finally convinced him to aid us, he predicted a grim fate for the kingdom, including the return of a dreaded foe. It was then that an envoy from Rumplestiltskin's forces arrived, requesting Jack to be handed over, otherwise they would slaughter the townsfolk from the port town. We were all aghast at their cruelness and brutality, but Varjo- Varjo Tapaava, that rude, insufferable, selfless, fantastic man...

Varjo Tapaava held one of the ambassadors at knife point, and said "Take me to the Altar of Oaths."

Varjo challenged Rumplestiltskin to a duel, a duel to the death, knowing he would not survive the encounter so that we, along with Tom Thumb, a diminuitive fellow who caused Thumbelina to have a strange vision, could save the townspeople in the meantime. The duel was a vicious contest of wits and mastery of craft, and Varjo held his own as long as he could, but alas...

Rumplestiltskin's powers have been greatly enhanced, likely the work of Snow White's other lieutenants. The duel was not fair, I say! He didn't- how could he...

All that remains of our friend is a golden statue, a result of Rumplestiltskin's newfound deadly touch. There he stands, a memorial to his life and a mockery of his sacrifice until the end of days. We shall have our revenge...

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