Wolf Shade

Wolf Shade


SIZE: Medium
MOVE:  30'
DAMAGE: Bite (2d4)
SPECIAL: Fog Cloud, Howl, Drag, Blend, Sunlight Vulnerability, Darkvision (60')
SAVES:  Physical


ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
TYPE:  Extraplanar
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night or darkness

Since time immemorial, the learned traveler has spoken in hushed reverie of the dreaded Wolf: a mysterious entity of vengeance and retribution. Some say he is a fell werewolf, while others say he is a hound of Hell, and still others say he is Fenrir, a beast from the tales of the Aesir from across the sea. It would seem he has returned to our world once more, having thrown in with Snow White, the Pale Queen, and thus has he released his Wolf Shades: beasts of shadow that are an extension of their dark master's own life force, and thus they carry a portion of his power.


Wolf Shades hunt in packs and use pack tactics to disorient and trap their victims. They enter combat eager to kill, baying, snarling, and leaping at their foes. When in darkness, they are invisible and physical attacks only do half damage (unless delivered by spell or magical weapon). These large, dark, non-corporeal creatures will bite their victims and drag them to the ground for an easier kill.


Wolf Shades are very short lived, as their master conjures them in and out of existence as the need arises. For the brief time that they do walk the physical world, they act and behave similarly to real wolves, although they require no food or sleep. They are by no means sentient, but they have an understanding of the purpose they have been conjured for, and will ruthlessly seek this purpose out and enact it. Their master is able to see through their eyes and hear through their ears, and if he so chooses he will often use one or several to speak through. Killing a Wolf Shade causes their master great pain, giving him need to seclude himself for days at a time to regain his strength, depending on the amount of Wolf Shades killed.

FOG (as per the spell Fog Cloud):  Once per day, these shadowy creatures can emit a dense blanket of fog that obscures all sight beyond ten feet and partially conceals creatures within five feet. It covers an area of 50' x 20' x 20'. The fog normally drifts slowly across the ground, but a strong wind disperses the fog in four rounds and a greater wind disperses it in one round. The fog always sinks to the lowest level of the land.

HOWL (as per the spell Fear): Any time two or more of these creatures howl the same round, they harmonize in a dissonant chord that strikes fear in the hearts of any non-evil creature within 300 feet of the pack. All affected creatures must make a wisdom save or are panicked/flee for 2d4 rounds.

DRAG: Upon a successful bite, a wolf shade can attempt to drag the foe to the ground. The opponent makes a dexterity save or is pulled prone to the ground (-5 to AC) and acts last in the next round.

BLEND: In darkness, a wolf shade is considered invisible (however it may attack without spoiling concealment) and damage from normal weapons is halved. If three or more points of normal light are used, or magical light is cast forth, they can be seen and normal weapons deal normal damage.

SUNLIGHT VULNERABILITY: If exposed to true sunlight, the wolf shade is instantly destroyed.

[These stats have been adapted from the updated 1993 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monstrous Manual
and from the 2011 Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure manual for use in our campaign using the Castles & Crusades SIEGE engine.]