Lambton's Spiked Armour

Lambton's Spiked Armour

The famous armament was used by John Lambton, a lay about-turned-adventurer who slew what would come to be known as the Lambton Worm: a fell serpent that spread death and affliction where 'ere it slithered. Upon his death, the armour was put on display and anointed with holy waters at a local parish where it remained for many years as a reminder of the hero. Unfortunately the armour was stolen by a goblin band for reasons still unknown, and thus did the friars who tended it swear to one day find and retrieve it. Although the armour remains missing after more than a century, there are still rumors of robed, bearded men traveling the land inquiring of every lonely traveler of the hallowed suit of spikes...


While the armour boasts only moderate defense, it makes up for this with its other unique qualities, chief among them being it's spikes. The spikes are placed in such a way that they would counter the Lambton Worm's ability to coil and constrict, and as such they make for  fierce, if small, weapons. Also, as a result of the anointment of the armour with holy waters, the spikes and armour itself have become imbued with a hallowed energy such that damage from the spikes is especially potent against foes that are evil or undead, and the wearer will find that the armour allows them curative abilities concerning poison. Furthermore, in the heat of battle the serpentine patterns on the armour's chest may glow a ghostly blue, possibly as a sign of it's former master's lingering warrior spirit.


AC: +5
Spikes: 1d4 damage; +1 to undead/evil
Cure Poison: once/day for magic users; once/week for non-magic users
Weight: 45lbs
EV: 3 (w)

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