In the House of Brumig Steinherz

Journal, Second Entry

Well today proved... interesting.

Upon our return from retrieving the bow, Johan instructed us to journey forth and convince Brumig Steinherz to join our rebel cause: Brumig being a former dwarven companion to the Pale Queen, and surly character to be sure.

My good fellow gnome Varjo snuck off in the night to asses the situation, in the hopes of gaining an understanding of our potential ally. However, when next we met, Varjo was most exasperated and perturbed. For Brumig proved more difficult than anticipated, and what's more he had a most curious companion. Piknik the Bold he calls himself (I know not why), and his propensity for surreal behavior proved most uninhibited. Indeed his actions proved most erratic, including (but not limited to) shouting incoherrantly, running in circles, and wielding cats against imaginr'y foes. However, after an unfortunate incident involving a spider, a squirrel, and no shortage of heavy-handedness, our dear Thumbelina convinced Brumig to join our cause.

However, it was then that a dark fog overtook us, a billowing cloud that blocked the sun and soon we were overtaken with darkness. We raced inside the cabin, for we knew this fog was not natural, aye, but a mystic and malignant pall it was. For to our horror we soon realized we had become the prey of a terrible force:

Alas, the Wolfshades had been loosed! We struggled long with a group of three that had forced itself in, and we knew the situation was hopeless. With their defeat we scrambled for a secret tunnel Brumig had built under his home, and as he marked the entrance with a holy symbol to keep our foes at bay we ran as fast and hard as we could. When next we breathed fresh air the day was again bright, but the horrid cloud of fog could still be seen in the distance. It was then that Brumig realized the seriousness of our cause, and asked us to accompany him to his family's old home to retrieve his axe and armor. We journey there now with the Wolfshades behind us, though I doubt we'll not meet them again...

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