The Past Revisited, Treasure Reclaimed (or How Not to Befriend Kobolds)

Brummig and the Statue

Journal, Third Entry

We traveled with Brummig to the disheveled home of his childhood: Steinherz Manor. Neither Brummig nor his six brothers had been there for years, so naturally we found it in a dreary condition. As we made our way towards the entrance, Brummig explained to us that his family had owned many statues of Kobolds which sevred a dual purpose: in the day they served as fine decorations, but at night the enchanted effigies would come to life and set about the house doing the family's chores. Upon entering the foyer, we met several of these proletariat creatures (adorned in cherub attire and decorating a fountain no less!), but rather than being benign, subservient creatures we found them to be rather aggressive.

Our luck was equally dreary in the main hall, wherein we were met by ten more of the cretins, but luckily we also spied a statue decorated in the armour and weapon Brummig seeked. The battle proved long, as the creatures would return to stone upon defeat, but after a rest they stood back up and entered the fray once more! At long last we crushed every last of the beasts, although a good portion of the room was set ablaze thanks to a certain diminutive wizard who presently shall not be named... However, as Brummig approached the statue holding his armaments, it began to move, and we entered a fierce battle once more.

Upon reclaiming Brummig's possessions, we began up the stairs to investigate the cause of these strange decorative hostilities. As we reached the top, we were surprised to see a great bearded Kobold heading straight for us, along with his toga'd companions who together had once decorated the upstairs library. However, they meant us no harm, but rather ran with buckets of water, madly attempting to put out the fire. To our surprise, we found in the farther most chamber of the Library a book that could speak, which explained to us that the sadistic statuary was in fact his doing. In a display of comical cowardice (proven even more amusing by Piknik's meddling) the book promised to teach the Resistance how to create Kobold statue soldiers so long as he was spared, and content with our findings we began to exit the mansion and return to Johan and the Red Caps. However, just as we were about to leave, we saw to our dismay a group of five Wolfshades prowling at the door...

1 comment:

  1. Good to see Piknik has achieved "he who shall not be named" status.
