Kala Rā'akē: Reflections of a Wolfman

 Kala Rā'akē
Many are the days that I have spent pondering the questions that have plagued my mind.  Where did I come from?  Why have I ever only known solitude?  I remember little of my youth.  Are they suppressed memories?  What could cause a man to forget memories that bury themselves deep in many a man's heart?

To say that I have only been alone would not be entirely true.  At one of the lowest points in my life, a brief encounter would change everything.  At a time when I wandered the deep, woodland areas of Gray Realm, I encountered a man, whose name was Glāsava.  He was unlike many men that I had known, in that he showed true friendship to me. This was very foreign in my life, for tales of the Big, Bad Wolf had made many men come to shun and excommunicate anyone or anything that was even remotely wolf-like.  This man showed no such prejudice toward me.  He was a solitary figure, the same as I, and lived deep in the woods, far from civilization. He displayed wisdom and knowledge far beyond his years and wished to share it with me.  I was all too eager to learn everything that I could from this man, a master wizard, the likes of which I had never known.  I was beginning to feel a real sense of purpose in my life.  Things were finally taking a turn for the better in my life...or so it would seem.

One evening, as we were finishing up a fine meal, I began to have this strange feeling that we were being watched.  I had no reason to believe this was so, but alas, I could not shake this feeling.  I was on the verge of revealing this uneasiness that I felt to my friend, when I felt darkness overtake me.  Had I been struck from behind or was this some sort of magic that had overtaken me?  I knew not.  It seemed like an eternity that I was in this state, but when I came to, all that I could find of my dear friend was a tattered, bloody leather tunic.

Who had ripped the only good thing out of my otherwise meaningless life?  I made it my quest to find the man or creature responsible for this atrocity.  Armed with his staff and his book of spells, I set out to find this perpetrator.  Despite my best efforts, I found nothing.  I have spent countless days, since that day, seeking to bring justice and good to the world.  I have finally found my purpose within this life.

I don't know why, but I keep getting the burning sensation that eyes are watching me, lurking in the shadows?  I have such vivid nightmares that haunt my sleep.  Hopefully the answers will come with time.  

- Kala Rā'akē

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