The Pale Queen's Court & Parley with a Devil

Gabriel has words with the fiend

Journal, First Entry:

And so the adventure begins! But alas, such occasions rarely transpire as we expect, and my travels with my fledgling little family are no exception. For we had been given a mission by a mysterious figure, and when we were but so close to completing it, we were overtaken by the Dwarven Guards of Snow White and poisoned! My poor friends fell victim to its effects worse than I, and had lost all memory of the days before, including their mission and poor Pungo...

And worse yet, we discovered when taken before her that the Queen, Snow White, was no benevolent ruler as one may assume but a cruel tyrant who sentenced us to death! For our unknown benefactor it seemed was the leader of a rebellion against her, and in our attempts to accomplish his task we had sullied the Queen's future summer home. Narrowly did we escape the Pale Queen's domain and the threat of death, and thus did we opt to attempt our mission again. For we had been sent to retrieve a bow from the cave abode of an adventurer who once traveled the land, with promise of supple payment.

Returning to the cave, we made quick work of what few guards remained there after their attack on us but a few days prior, but alas the bow was trapped in a magical aura, the likes of which we could not breach. Eventually we came upon a secret door that led to a dark chamber, wherein we found a lever to release the bow. But alas! Four fell Goblins we did find also, and a chained troll under their employ, no less! We all feared for an ensuing battle, but the words of our resident half-elf deterred the beasts from our path and the bow was ours.

Upon returning the bow to our benefactor, he revealed himself as Johan the Huntsman, and he introduced us to his companion young Elsa, or Red Riding Hood as she prefers. For it was her father's bow we had procured, and with it Johan intended to train her so that she might help him lead a rebellion against Snow White, the Pale Queen! Impressed with our efforts, Johan offered us a place in his rebellion also, and so did we prepare for a great celebratory feast...