Red Cap's Red Cap

Red Cap's Red Cap

Along the misty borderlands, deep in rotted, forgotten towers and keeps there may dwell a fierce and twisted variety of goblin known as a Red Cap, called so because of the crimson coif atop their knobby heads. The Red Caps have a foul reputation, being considered a cut above their more common cousins by way of cunning, malice, and ruthlessness, and for this reason Johan's Rebellion has taken their name to instill fear into the hearts of its enemies. Should the neophyte adventurer find him/herself alone in the belly of an abandoned outpost and hear a raspy, whispered laugh or the dragging clang of chains or bone, they would do very well to fight the urge to run, for the Red Caps revel in a chase, and inundate their abodes with a variety of cruel traps and enchantments for just such a reason... However, should you ever best such a beast, I implore you, do not take his hat for a trophy. For I have heard dark tales of those who wore them, and for a time were rewarded great power, but at a terrible cost...


By itself, the cap has very minimal defensive qualities, but its true strength lies in its various enchantments. At first, the cap will only slightly increase the wearers strength and agility, but the effects of the cap grow stronger and more numerous as time wears on. Soon the wearer will find their senses more acute, especially in the dark. Their ears will gain a subtle point, and they may develop small knobs on the forehead. After a time, the wearer will find the sunlight no longer brings warmth or comfort, but rather it is a nuisance, blinding the eye and burning the skin. The wearer may become thinner, developing a pale yellow or green tint to their flesh, and though they desire only small morsels, they will hunger for fouler things such as rats or insects or even defeated foes, and desire to kill only so that they may re-dye their cap with a victims blood. Soon, sunlight will be unbearable, and even the most healthy and hardy adventurer will be reduced to a thin, sickly wretch. The ears will have become much longer and pointed, and the knobs will have developed into small horns. All in all, in but a months time of wearing the cap, the adventurer will become a Red Cap themselves...


AC: +1
Day 1: +1 Atk, +1 Dmg; +2 DEX check
Day 5: +2 Atk, +2 Dmg; +3 DEX check; +2 Listen Check; +2 Detect Traps
Day 10: +3 Atk, +3 Dmg; +4 DEX check; +3 Listen Check; +3 Detect Traps; Ears start to point; Fore Head gains knobs; Dark Vision
Day 15: +4 Atk, +4 Dmg; +5 DEX check; +4 Listen Check; +4 Detect Traps; -1 to Atk, Dmg, and all Checks in Sunlight; Skin becomes pale yellow/green
Day 20: +5 Atk, +5 Dmg; +6 DEX Check; +5 Listen Check; +5 Detect Traps; -2 to Atk, Dmg, and all Checks in Sunlight; Charisma Check after defeating an enemy to avoid eating them, with -2 penalty; Charisma Check every turn to avoid attacking allies instead of foes, with -2 penalty; Finger nails become claws, dealing 1d4 dmg
Day 25: +6 Atk, +6 Dmg; +7 DEX Check; +6 Listen Check; +6 Detect Traps; -3 to Atk, Dmg, and all Checks in Sunlight; 1d4 damage for every hour spent in sunlight; Charisma Checks against feasting on foes and attacking allies receive penalty of -4; Ears become longer and fully pointed, forehead knobs become small horns; gains sickly, hunch-backed appearance; Aura of Chaotic Evil despite initial alignment

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