Trolls and Taxes

Journal, Fifth Entry
Half a Troll's Lament

Having returned to Johan with Brummig, we were informed that he would be the key to our success
in our following mission: for you see, a rebellion needs troops, who in turn need payment, and unfortunately the Red Caps are lacking in both. Thus did we need to convince any benefactor we could to join our cause and lend us aid, and as fortune would have it one of Brummig's brothers is a member of the royal court of Dornstadt. However, the kingdom is a long way away, many leagues in fact, and so after but one night of rest we had to set forth again.

As we traveled, we soon came upon a small bridge over a stream. I admit I thought nothing of it myself, but Thumbelina had had a foreboding vision of a simple bridge such as this. Brave Gabriel approached first and Behold! A fell Troll crawled out from underneath. But thankfully, he only asked a small toll. And what's more, we were able to convince him to give us leave for free, as he was very foolish and cowardly. However, we soon came upon a second bridge, but fortune favored us again, and its Troll keeper let us pass. For the third and final bridge, though, events took an unfortunate turn.

For the bridge was guarded by a Troll much more ferocious (or at least one of his two heads was; the other was more friendly, and took a liking to Piknik) than the others, and he would not let us go. Unfortunately, a series of misunderstandings landed us in combat with the brute, who proved a mighty foe. In fact, our own Piknik was gravely injured, and were it not for the sacrifice of a local bean farmer, he would no longer be with us. But alas, we did defeat the brute and continued on our quest.

It was then that we came to the town of DerBlitzvolks, a predominantly human settlement under Troll occupation. According to a local shepherd named Steinfaust, a Troll King of old had returned and had outlawed the worship of the town's deity: Perūn. It would seem that we'll be putting our objective aside for a while...

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