Well met, adventurers!

Welcome, friends, to our Blog! We’ll be updating this blog after every session with an excerpt from Pungo’s Journal, which will detail our adventures. This way, it will be easier to keep up with what we’ve done. We’ll also be posting artwork of characters, castles, and maps for reference. As this campaign takes place in a world where the Grimm Fairy Tales have happened simultaneously, try to keep this in mind when creating your characters so that the tone will match up. It should also be noted that references to Norse and Anglo Saxon legends and fairy tales will also exist in this world.

We’ve opted to allow players to play as characters from these stories if they so choose, however characters from the following stories are barred because we already know we will be implementing them in the story: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and Red Riding Hood. If you wish to play as a secondary character from one of these barred stories, run your idea by one of us and we’ll see if it can still work. And of course playing as an original character is also welcome. Regardless of what character you play, you should make sure to have an interesting and distinct backstory for your character.

One good way to develop your backstory is to come up with a central goal for your character, something he/she wants to accomplish over the course of the campaign. Also, try to consider things like where your character comes from, what kind of personality they have, and major events that have occurred in their life thus far. Creating your character and making your character sheet can be a complicated process, so we’ll be walking you guys through it before we get the campaign started. Can’t wait to hear about you guys’ characters! Adventurers Ho!!!